IPTV Remote Controller | Alticast Mega TV_Olleh TV
날렵하고 엣지있는 라인으로 형상이 디자인 되어 고급스럽고 모던한 감성을 담은 리모컨을 디자인.
| Mass Production Project of Alticast Mega TV_Olleh TV
| Design MU Internship
| 2008
| Mass Production Project of Alticast Mega TV_Olleh TV
a designer should contain intelligent mind and the hands of a master craftsman. The expressing ability of designer cannot be obtained with simply intelligent mind. Expression with only the unintelligent hand cannot contain any meaning.
날렵하고 엣지있는 라인으로 형상이 디자인 되어 고급스럽고 모던한 감성을 담은 리모컨을 디자인.
| Mass Production Project of Alticast Mega TV_Olleh TV
| Design MU Internship
| 2008
| Mass Production Project of Alticast Mega TV_Olleh TV