LDT stands for Learning , Design and technology, and the project intends to design system or device for educational use based on future type technology.
Roleplaying Cube is a cooperative game where each of the players have their own role to deduce the correct answer. Different players can only see different pieces of the answer, and only the leader can see it as a whole.
Consequently, it is hard to get to the goal without the leader’s proper control. Children can experience different roles in this game, and thus can be actively involved in various social experiences.
| Samsung Design Membership Project 2008
| Team work with Sungjoon Kim, Sook-kyung Lee
| 2008.04 – 2008.08
| Samsung Design Membership Annual Exhibition 2008

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| User Interface |

UI 001 / Players gather around the central block, and put their hands on its upper side. Central block assigns a leader randomly, and a corresponding graphic sign appears beneath the leader’s hand.
UI 002 / The leader looks at the answer instructs the member for action – Game start / While the person designated as the leader checks the display in the block, the leader instructs the member for action / By changing the perspective of the answer shown in the display, the member compare the answer they are solving.
UI 003 / The members checks the hints in each one’s block and solves for the answer – Game start. / Participants except for the leader checks the hint of cross-sectional diagram expressed in each person’s block display and solves for the answer.
UI 004 / The situation of answering is expressed in the 3D hologram of the central block – Game start / Participants except for the leader checks the hint of cross-sectional diagram expressed in each person’s block display and solves for the answer.
| Product Design |
By disassembling cube, each member share each block, and the participants of the game cooperate under the instruction of the leader and solves the given problem.

Detail 001 / The central block figure out the number of people.

002 / The appearance of Roleplaying Cube according to the direction.

003 / Streamlined shape curve and smooth material are used.
| Scenario |
Children gather to disassemble the cube.
In each block, two different cross-sectional diagrams are shown as hints, and referring to the instruction and hint of the leader, each member should infer the answer and assemble in UI.
After fitting the model through mutual cooperation, if the block is combined again to restore the Cube, the game ends.

Scene 001-004 / Players gather around the central block, and put their hands on its upper side. Central block assigns a leader randomly, and a corresponding graphic sign appears beneath the leader’s hand.
Scene 005-007 / The members checks the hints in each one’s block and solves for the answer – Game start. / Participants except for the leader checks the hint of cross-sectional diagram expressed in each person’s block display and solves for the answer.
Different blocks are assigned to each of the players, and these blocks contain different hints for the answer. For instance, the player who has the hint for the Top View can deduce the answer by discussing with the teammates.
Since it is impossible to deduce the correct answer from one specific hint, it is crucial for the leader to lead the teammates to the right direction.
Scene 008-011 / The situation of answering is expressed in the 3D hologram of the central block – Game start / Participants except for the leader checks the hint of cross-sectional diagram expressed in each person’s block display and solves for the answer.
| LDT Roleplaying Cube Movie |
Central block is the core unit of the whole game, and belongs to the leader. Leader controls the whole team and helps each of the players to cooperate together. This role can be assigned to a less sociable child so that she or he can be more sociable through experience.
Answer appears on the side of the central block, and only the leader can see it. The progress is shown in the hologram on the upper face of the block, and everybody can see it.
Different blocks are assigned to each of the players, and these blocks contain different hints for the answer. For instance, the player who has the hint for the Top View can deduce the answer by discussing with the teammates.
Since it is impossible to deduce the correct answer from one specific hint, it is crucial for the leader to lead the teammates to the right direction.
| Samsung Design Membership Project 2008